
Movie Time

One of our favorite things to do is go to the movies so we decided to head to the closest eigakan (movie theater) and catch our first flick in Tokyo - "Terminator Genisys". It was pretty good - even for a non-Terminator fanatic, like me. 

The movie-going experience in Japan was pretty similar to home... We bought our tickets online and then headed to a kiosk to confirm and print them out. The theater had stadium seating but it didn't have the super comfy recliner chairs that we're now used to, having lived near the Mountain View Century Cinema 16. Sigh. We did notice that after the movie ended, the lights didn't come up. We had to fumble around in the dark to get out while the credits rolled. I figure it's because it's rude to leave before the credits are done so keeping it pitch-black forces customers to stay in their seats(?).

The most exciting part of the whole experience was the ingenious popcorn holder. CHECK THIS OUT.

At first we didn't think much of it. We thought, ok, that makes it easier to carry. And I wondered whether the massive tray of plastic got reused or thrown away after one use. 

Until we realized...

... You can stick it in the cup holder...

... and ROTATE IT! Genius! We rotated it back and forth as we shared our popcorn throughout the show. American movie-going will never be the same. : (